Lifestyle Archivi - Fashionlife Magazine tutto su cultura, attualità, bellezza, luxury ... Sat, 11 Feb 2023 17:12:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Archivi - Fashionlife Magazine 32 32 GABRIELLA CHIARAPPA:a successful business woman Sun, 17 Oct 2021 08:34:16 +0000 Gabriella Chiarappa è a brilliant fashion manager, journalist, anchorwoman and founder of an organization that promotes the value of made in Italy in the round, the agency “Le Salon de la Mode” in addition to ensuring the development and positioning of a brand is considered the most glamorous format in Italy in the organization of…

L'articolo GABRIELLA CHIARAPPA:<br>a successful business woman proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.


Gabriella Chiarappa è a brilliant fashion manager, journalist, anchorwoman and founder of an organization that promotes the value of made in Italy in the round, the agency “Le Salon de la Mode” in addition to ensuring the development and positioning of a brand is considered the most glamorous format in Italy in the organization of events. Gabriella Chiarappa is one of the best-known managers with a simple and kind soul, the leader of a new generation of women top managers with strong and innovative ideas.

Thanks to his talents, he is leading national and international companies.

Her resume has everything an educated and ambitious woman could want: press correspondent, interviewer and anchor, top manager, communications expert, and coordinator for the Foreign Chambers of Commerce and Confesercenti for internationalization. What, above all else, led you to become the person you are today?
The willingness to live with passion and enthusiasm all the things I do, first and foremost I always try to document myself, I am a thirst for knowledge, I love to listen to those who have life experience, read and never take anything for granted, I always think that the good is yet to come…I am a dreamer who loves to turn my dreams into reality.

How did your passion for the world of fashion and in particular, for the luxury industry come about?
I honestly think as a child, my roots belong to a humble family with great values, my grandmother was a great seamstress, very good, my father a multifaceted artist and uncle a painter. Then in the work it was by chance even though I actually believe it was written in a secret scroll. The truth is that things happen when you really want them but with respect and not with pretension. I was catapulted into a fashion academy and then …today I’m here talking to you about it and not only that.

As a journalist, I was struck by his eagerness to communicate and his innovative view on planetary market dynamics. “Think global, act local” is indeed the summary of his attitude, quoting Polish academic Zygmunt Bauman. Could you comment on this vision and explain what are the actions through which you seek to realize it?
In order to achieve great results, one must have a comprehensive view of things, but action must be focused in order to achieve a goal.


He has interviewed international celebrities including Bob Sinclar, David Guetta, Gary Duran and Isabeli Fontana, Lola Lennox. I’m curious to know what conversation, or character, has stayed most in your heart, and why?
Honestly, I found something special in each of them, but two of them, for different reasons, particularly impressed me. Bob Sinclar is a great person, a real gentleman, kind and very open to dialogue, here he is the real testimony that the one who lives by night is not a stoner but anything but.

With his team of Le Salon de la Mode, cause pandemic you stopped with the realization of the events, which were always identified as successful events, as with ” Excellence The elegant Business” in Milan. When do you plan to start organizing them again?
Sincerely soon, it will, as always, be a surprise that will leave nothing to chance. My strength is to be able to count on a good staff, made up of professionals in the field, I personally love to savor the idea and organization of a journey among excellence, “a salon where the magic of the arts merges with the opportunities of new markets for made in Italy.” We are definitely ready to go again and with the will to surprise and enchant.

I have gotten to know her over the past few months, and my sense of her is clear: a high-level manager with a head on her shoulders who would never compromise. Very professional and kind, it is by no means a given to meet a humble and sensitive person in a world tied too often to mere exteriority. Because sequins and sequins aside, it is always the soul that makes the difference. Don’t you think so?
Not only do I believe this, but I confirm that a beautiful soul can transform everything around us, I believe in kindness, goodness of spirit and extending a hand to others. You see no one is perfect, much less do I think I am, but I know I am honest, loyal is certainly a sincere person who loves the simple things in life. “Giving a smile to those in need, bringing home an abandoned animal and taking care of it, being kind to others, smiling at life, not being conditioned by anyone, simplicity, all this for me is true luxury.”

As a fashion contact person for various international companies, what are the opportunities for small and medium-sized companies in the industry to enter abroad?
Just recently with the Confesercenti for Internationalization we made a very important agreement with the COFOCE Mexico institutional body dealing with foreign trade aimed at all sectors. The close agreement between Confesercenti for internationalization and Cofoce, represents a strong point of great support for Italian companies to open new markets also under the free trade treaty in force between Mexico United States and Canada and in anticipation of the free trade treaty between Mexico and the European union that is awaiting approval for the elimination of all duties. Reassuring and incentivizing element for made in Italy

In order to achieve great results, one must have a comprehensive view of things, but action must be focused in order to achieve a goal.”

An interesting aspect of his personality is positivity as well. He has been excellently editing a column on Positive Thinking for some time in the weekly “Everything.” How much do you think this aspect affects the dynamics of our lives? Is a positive person really capable of reversing and directing even the course of negative events or situations?
How much does it affect — 100 percent, look I don’t want to exaggerate by pronouncing percentages but in my opinion it’s a key aspect. Personally, I am convinced that our mind is a container of infinite resources of power, but the problem is that we have to learn to recognize it and use it. Very often we do not know ourselves so well, this philosophy also helps us to better understand what our own potential is. Think about how many times during our day we think about the solutions or the opportunities or the luck we have in having something, actually more are the times in reality when we complain… If instead we would start the day with a smile but I’m talking about the inner one and be grateful for everything we have, I guarantee you that everything will get better day by day.

As a fashion contact person for various international companies, what are the opportunities for small and medium-sized companies in the industry to enter abroad?
It sounds strange, but despite this period, recently with the Italian-Arab Cooperation Chamber we made a very important agreement with an organization that has been active in Qatar for a good 13 years. The contact person for the objective is Laura Bertuccioli, a manager who is well known in these countries for winning the trust of the most important Holding Companies there. This is a great guarantee for Us and for the Italian companies that come to Us. In addition, we have partnered with Simest to help companies take advantage of financing funds (in some cases non-repayable). I would also like to point out that doing business in these countries is not so easy if you do not have established contacts there.

Why does he invite us to follow his way of thinking about positivity?
Simple because it can really improve everyone’s life, I am a testimony to that. You see I believe there is really a great need to popularize this philosophy of thought. We live in a very troubled era, full of anger and violence. I decided to give a different message. What good brings good. A philosophy that improves our lives and the lives of others because everything becomes contagious. This is my greatest mission today. I hope that my message, full of positive energy and hope, will reach people’s hearts. We give more smiles, they cost nothing and are worth more than you might think.

A wish of his?
Never stop dreaming (for dreams to come true)

Interview by:
Patrizia Rocchi Furlan

L'articolo GABRIELLA CHIARAPPA:<br>a successful business woman proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.

GIUSEPPE PICONEportrait of the world étoile, the protégé of Carla Fracci Tue, 01 Jan 2019 14:02:02 +0000 Giuseppe Picone, class of 1976, dancer of undisputed international fame, pride of Italian dance in the world and undisputed pupil of Carla Fracci queen of dance. He has danced in the most prestigious theaters and alongside top dance stars. Étoile, choreographer, artistic director of the Picone & I Grandi della Danza Gala. Until December 2020,…

L'articolo GIUSEPPE PICONE<br>portrait of the world étoile, the protégé of Carla Fracci proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.

Giuseppe Picone, class of 1976, dancer of undisputed international fame, pride of Italian dance in the world and undisputed pupil of Carla Fracci queen of dance. He has danced in the most prestigious theaters and alongside top dance stars. Étoile, choreographer, artistic director of the Picone & I Grandi della Danza Gala. Until December 2020, he served as director of the Corps de Ballet of the Teatro di San Carlo in Naples.

On stage and in life you can fall, when it happened to you how did you get back up?
In my nearly 30-year career fortunately on the stage it has happened to me only twice, it is an unpleasant feeling, while life is made up of ups and downs, sometimes you fall, the important thing is to always get up again with strength and courage.

When did he choose his destiny?
In truth it is destiny that chose the path of dance for me, my destiny was born with me, I couldn’t think of living without dance, my mom told me several times that I was just two years old and at the beach in a diaper I was dancing, dance is in my DNA.

Your first real rehearsal?
It was when I was sixteen years old I made my debut as a soloist at the Ballet National de Nancy, thanks to Pierre Lacotte director of the company who assigned me a very important role for the ballet “L’Ombre” where he was choreographer.

Recently Carla Fracci the queen of dance died, there was a special relationship between you, what are your memories of her?
Carla became part of my life when I was only 12 years old at the San Carlo Theater in Naples. Carla‘s I could tell many things, but the most important thing about Her is that in spite of all her world fame she was always down-to-earth, she was humble, she always followed me both in Italy and abroad, she invited me several times to dance at the Arena in Verona and at the Rome Opera, where she was artistic director. In private she was very funny, simply unique.

Joseph Picone
Joseph Picone

Meeting a Fracci on your life path, what did that represent?
For me she was an example, Carla was a beautiful dancer, although she did not have great physical gifts but her determination to work in perseverance and in everything, so much so that she became a world icon. They are an absolute inspiration and example.

Does it take courage to upset customs?
Absolutely yes, in anything, in life as in the profession it takes courage, if you believe in something you should always face it with courage.

What does dance mean to you?
For me, dance represents life, it requires a lot of sacrifice, it involved my whole self, when I was a boy I may have missed the carefreeness, but it is such a beautiful art and so graceful that it has given me great satisfaction in life.


What is he nostalgic about?
I’m nostalgic for the four years I spent in London in the English National Ballet, it was the Company where I left my heart there, with my comrades and colleagues we were tackling 180 performances a year, always with a lot of energy and drive. Memorable memory, at a dinner after one of my performances “Romeo and Juliet,” I met Lady Diana, it remains one of the most beautiful encounters in my life.

What is perfection to you?
Honestly, I think perfection does not exist, I think it is unattainable, especially in dance since it is an ephemeral art.

In your unstoppable career you have graced the most important stages around the world, which one do you remember with particular fondness and why?
I remember the Royal Festival Hall in London with great fondness because I made my debut with so many first roles in the classical and contemporary repertoire in this very theater at the age of 17, 18, 19 and 20, when I was very young. Four intense years where I debuted, from Giselle to Swan Lake, from Romeo and Juliet to The Nutcracker. It is a wonderful memory I have of this theater.

Future plans?
Considering that the pandemic has stopped work for everyone, I would say it is now time to start again with my shows in Italy and abroad. Also in 2022 I will celebrate my 30-year career, I will publish my book for this occasion.

Wishful thinking?
I have a simple wish I would say, one day I would like to wake up looking out of my window and see the sea, a house with a dance studio where I can train and be inspired by the sea to create new ballet, neoclassical, contemporary or modern dance choreography.

Interview by
Gabriella Chiarappa

L'articolo GIUSEPPE PICONE<br>portrait of the world étoile, the protégé of Carla Fracci proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.
