Bossa Nova Archivi - Fashionlife Magazine tutto su cultura, attualità, bellezza, luxury ... Wed, 19 Feb 2025 10:38:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bossa Nova Archivi - Fashionlife Magazine 32 32 Italy Vogna: the voice that enchants Mon, 14 Feb 2022 12:13:45 +0000 Italia Vogna, an eclectic artist of Neapolitan origin, whose talents range from painting to music, a performer of great sensitivity, decidedly adept at launching an exclusive musical project “ As cores da minha alma ” (The colors of my soul). The original idea, which has never been realized by others, stems precisely from the dual…

L'articolo Italy Vogna: the voice that enchants proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.

Italia Vogna, an eclectic artist of Neapolitan origin, whose talents range from painting to music, a performer of great sensitivity, decidedly adept at launching an exclusive musical project “ As cores da minha alma ” (The colors of my soul).

The original idea, which has never been realized by others, stems precisely from the dual “soul” of the artist, Neapolitan by father and Brazilian by mother.

The project she sings in Portuguese and the arrangements in a Bossa key encapsulate the magic of Neapolitan and Brazilian culture, a true fusion that gives rise to an absolutely unique project.

Italy has collaborated with various artists in the past, in 1991 he sang at an international guitar festival in Naples, where the world’s greatest guitarists were present: Irio De Paola, Jorge Morel, Paço Pena, Gianni Palazzo, Toquinho e Paulinho Nogueira the guitar master of Toquinho.

He later duetted in two concerts as a guest – with the unmistakable voice back of Mario Biondi while recently she performed at the Auditorium with the great Lino Patruno, a true jazz legend.

Italy Vogna: the voice that enchants

We have the pleasure of meeting her for the editorial staff of Fashion Life.

Italy recently sang with the special band of Lino Patruno, a true jazz guru, how did this collaboration come about?

“Yes it was a great experience, definitely to be repeated. The meeting with Lino was almost by chance, He has always been fond of Bossa Nova music, after listening to my record he asked me to sing with his band in a concert at the Auditorium.”

There are various theater shows where you have participated with sometimes ironic performances, which one do you remember most fondly?

“I definitely remember with enthusiasm the theatrical performance with Veronica Mazza , a succession of jokes, where comedy triumphs and more, a tribute to all women and their ability to remain in “balance” in the current times.

Later I also had the pleasure of working in the theater with Lucio Caizzi in “ and if then I was Brad Pitt “, again in a different key irony emerges in a monologue where the focus is the conversation between two boyfriends.

I thank Veronica and Lucio with immense affection for making me fall in love with theater.”

Is there an artist you would like to work with in the future?

“A dream would be to sing with Chico Buarque . He is a true icon, the beauty of his music has no boundaries, representing Brazilian popular music in the round. A synergy of sweet melodies and poetry. I hope to meet him soon.”

Your passions include painting, would you like to tell us about that?

Painting travels parallel to music, which has always been my source of inspiration. I like to paint dancers and musicians.

I had an exhibition in Capri, and in recent years I participated in Venice and Spoleto in various group exhibitions with Salvo Nugnes curated by Vittorio Sgarbi .

I have had several awards and am featured in a cosmopolitan Mondadori catalog.

A dream in the drawer?

“Bringing my music to San Remo, since we are talking about innovation, it would be an achievement to bring good Bossa-Nova to the Ariston stage.”

L'articolo Italy Vogna: the voice that enchants proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.

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