Galluccio Archivi - Fashionlife Magazine tutto su cultura, attualità, bellezza, luxury ... Sat, 11 Feb 2023 17:11:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Galluccio Archivi - Fashionlife Magazine 32 32 ROCCO ADRIANO GALLUCCIONew creative director of Carla Carini Wed, 02 Jan 2019 09:18:46 +0000 L'articolo ROCCO ADRIANO GALLUCCIO<br>New creative director of Carla Carini proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.


From Alcoolique to Carla Carini “going through” social media

Interview with Campanian designer, who will be in charge of relaunching an Italian brand from the 1970s
Class of 1986, originally from Caserta, Rocco Adriano Galluccio, from early on demonstrated an innate passion for fashion. He began his career at the age of 16 working as a stylist and a few years later, following his experience in Bali, he decided to found his own brand “Alcoolique,” worn by national and international celebrities, later he does not miss TV with the program “Project Runway Italia,” until today, where he is very active on social media and was entrusted with the project of relaunching “Carla Carini.”

From your independent brand to a historic Italian fashion house, did you expect this?
Honestly, it has always been a dream of mine, but I definitely did not expect it in this particular historical period, it all happened quickly, although by now I have been working on the project for a few months already and I am really happy with it.

How do you experience the difference between your brand Alcoolique and the brand Carla Carini?
For me there is no difference, Alcoolique at the moment is focused on bijoux with a direct ONLINE distribution, for Carla Carini we will start with clothing, with worldwide distribution. But not many people know how fond I am of the Carla Carini brand : when I started as a kid to be a stylist much of my archive was just from the fashion house, as in the 1980s my mother was a super loyal customer, so I had recovered a number of garments that I used for my shoots and even back then I had my family tell me the whole story.

What do you do as creative director for Carla Carini?
I started from the interpretation of the brand identity and developed my personal vision by defining the whole story that will be told to the audience.
I have never left out the starting DNA of the brand, seeing it in a contemporary key, starting with the collection and going to the whole aesthetic of Carla Carini.
I always make it a point to put my beak on everything, to get the big picture and taking a lot from both myself and my collaborators.

How much does criticism influence your work?
Well … definitely you have to understand first of all who the criticism is coming from, whether it is (negative) constructive or just trying to destroy you for free.
In any case, as a general rule, I accept and listen to the advice of those who know more than I do in any field; I love criticism and sometimes it has helped me grow.

What is your favorite thing about your work?
I have to say that I like almost all the “parts” of the creative process… but by far my favorite moments are fabric selection and fitting.
The choice of fabrics because for me seeing and choosing them is like traveling, every time I touch one I imagine different worlds and what I could make.

Fitting because it is the precise moment when the designs become reality and the collection begins to take shape.

Of all the celebriets you have worked with, which one is your favorite?
Difficult question, also because for one reason or another I am connected to all of them, and for me every time is a surprise and I am honored, over the years the list has become long from Chiara Ferragni to international actresses such as Skai Jackson, passing through most of our women in show business, Noemi, Elodie, Francesca Michielin, Levante and Emma Marrone are just a few… but surely the biggest thrill was with Sarah Jessica Parker, I couldn’t believe it… and maybe still don’t believe it now!

You have a strong social presence, what are your thoughts on this?
I don’t hide the fact that I like anything that has to do with aesthetics, and for me that’s what Instagram is all about, getting a vision, one’s own language across, so it was pretty much a natural transition, I’m of the opinion that by now instagram is on par with linkedin–first you see the resume and then what a person posts.
I enjoy and enjoy social media, but over time I have learned when to put the phone down and enjoy things live.

L'articolo ROCCO ADRIANO GALLUCCIO<br>New creative director of Carla Carini proviene da Fashionlife Magazine.
